User profile picture

Amasuomo, Japo Oweikeye Morto

Areas of Research Interest & Specialty

S/N Research Area

School Attended with Qualifications

  • Rivers State University, Port-Harcourt - B.Tech. Architecture - 1984
  • Rivers State University, Port-Harcourt - M. Sc. Architecture - 1987
  • University of Port-Harcourt - Postgraduate Diploma in Education - 1994
  • Rivers State University, Port-Harcourt - M. Ed. Industrial Education - 2004
  • University of Port-Harcourt - M. Eng. Environmental Engineering - 2005
  • Enugu State University of Science and Technology - Ph.D. Building/Woodwork Technology Education - 2011

Membership of Professional Bodies- Year

  • Associate Member, Nigeria Institute of Building - 1991
  • Member, National Association of Teachers of Technology - 1991
  • Certified Teacher, Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria - 2005
  • Member, National Association of Vocational Educators - 2006
  • NYSC, Ministry of Works and Transport, Yola - 1 year(1984-1985)
  • Architect, Kapex Associates - 1 year (1987-1988
  • Supervising Architect, A. G. Spiff & Partners - 1 year (1988-1989)9
  • Building Technology Lecturer, Federal College of Education (Technical), Omoku, Rivers State - 23 years (1989-2012)
  • Building Technology Lecturer, Niger Delta University,Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State - 10years (2012 till date)
  • Ag. Head of Department; Vocational and Technology Education, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State - 2years (2013-2014)

Workshops and Conferences Attended

  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (1992). Building contracts in national development. A seminar organized by The Nigerian Institute of Building in collaboration with The Council of Registered Builders of Nigeria held at the Federal Secretariat, Kano 28th–29th April, 1992. - 1992
  • . Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2005). The establishment of primary schools by zion brand cherubim and seraphim churches in Bayelsa State: Problems, Prospects for Basic Primary Vocational Education.11th Annual Conference organized by National Association of Curriculum Theorists held at Kogi State College of Education, Ankpa, 19th September, 2005 - 2005
  • Amasuomo, J. O. (2011). Conflicts and peace in Nigeria: The place of Geography. A one day mandatory Workshop organized by The Institute of Certified Geographers of Nigeria held at the University of Port Harcourt on September 2, 2011. - 2011
  • . Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2015). Technical vocational education and training (TVET) for national development. A Lead paper presented at the 12th Annual Conference of History of Education Society of Nigeria (Uniport 2015) held between 12 th to 16 th October, 2015 at the Emmanuel Ebitimi Banigo Auditorium, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria - 2015
  • . Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2016). Education for the reduction of corruption in Nigeria. 2nd Annual International Conference of the Faculty of Education (NDU 2016) held at the Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, from 1st -4th November, 2016. - 2016
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2017). Education for economic recovery in Nigeria. 3nd Annual International Conference of the Faculty of Education (NDU 2017) held at the Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, from 7th -10th August, 2017. - 2017


  • Amasuomo, J.O.M; Paul, R. S. & Isaiah, J. E. (2019). Skills in metalwork technology for social reforms and national security. . Niger Delta Journal of Education, , 11(1) 242-256. nil
  • Amasuomo, J.O.M. & Ntibi, J.E. (2018). Workshop environment-induced human errors as perceived causes of variability in quality and quantity of task output in school workshop practice. . Niger Delta Journal of Education, , 10(1) 1-15. nil
  • Amasuomo, J.O.M. (2017). How Equitable is Provision of Secondary Schools and Teachers Supply between Rural and Urban Local Government Areas in Bayelsa State, Nigeria? . Niger Delta Journal of Education, 9(0) 19-35. nil
  • Amasuomo, J.O. & Ozurumba, C.N. (2017). . Preparing students for senior secondary school certificate examinations in Bayelsa State, Nigeria: How adequate are the available teachers in rural areas? . British Journal of Education., 5(1) 60-75. nil
  • Amasuomo, J.O. M. & Ozurumba, C.N. (2017). A comparative study of provision of primary schools and teachers supply between rural and urban local government areas in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. . Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 3(1) 404-422, nil
  • Amasuomo, J.O.M. & Ntibi, J.E. (2017). An analysis of acoustical effectiveness in the design of lecture hall spaces for teaching-learning: The case of Niger Delta University. . International Journal of Development and Sustainability,, 6(12) 2127-2144. nil
  • Amasuomo, T. & Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2016). Improving Durability of Rural Buildings in Riverine Niger Delta Region: A Case Study on Need to Utilize Appropriate Technology. . International Journal of African Society, Cultures and Traditions, , 4(1) 17-43. nil
  • Amasuomo, T. & Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2016). Thermal comfort problems in teaching-learning lecture theatres in the tropics: need to establish design criteria. . WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 12(0) 76-89 nil
  • Amasuomo, T. & Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2016). Perceived thermal discomfort and stress behaviours affecting students’ learning in lecture theatres in the humid tropics. 6(2), 18. ". Buildings, , 6(2) 18/1-17 Doi:10.3390/buildings/6020018.
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2015). Academic performance of Students’ during transition period before choice of discipline in Nigeria Certificate in Education (Technical) programme. 10(3), . Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences,, 10(3) 192-204. nil
  • Ozurumba, C.N. & Amasuomo, J.O. (2015). Academic staff development and output in state universities in south-south Nigeria. 7 (2). Makerere Journal of Higher Education. , 7(2) ,49- 59. D OI:
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. . (2015). Technical vocational education and training (TVET) for national development.. African Journal of Historical Sciences in Education, 14(1) 276-303 nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2014). Occupational choice and job opportunities in technology and vocational education: The need for informed decision-making by students. , . Journal of Education and Social Research, 4(1) 453-461 .Doi.10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n1p453,
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. & Onyia, A. U. (2014). Thermal discomfort in the school workshop as a stress factor affecting students’ tasks performance in workshop practice. . Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies., 3(4) 465-471. Doi:10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n4p465,
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2014). Gender distribution of teachers supply in primary schools in Bayelsa State: Implication for primary school child education. . Journal of Education and Social Research, 4(1) 263-266 Doi.10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n1p263,
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2014). Zion Brand Cherubim and Seraphim Churches in the Establishment of Primary Schools in Bayelsa State, Nigeria . African Research Review, 8(1) 53-64. Doi.10.4314/afrrev.8i1.5,
  • Amasuomo, J.O.M. (2014). Academic performance of students admitted with different entry certificates to the Nigerian Certificate in Education Programme at the Federal College of Education (Technical), Omoku. . Journal of Technology and Science Education (JOTSE), , 4(1) 39-47 htp://,
  • Amasuomo, J.O.M. (2014). Factors Influencing Choice of Occupational Area among Technical Education Students with Different Entry Qualifications. . Makerere Journal of Higher Education. , 6(1) 15-33. DOI:,
  • .Amasuomo, J. O. M. & Elobuike, H. U. (2014). Noise Induced Stresses in School Workshops and Students’ Task Performance in Workshop Practice. . Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Arts and Sciences , 1(4) 21-26, nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2014). Lecture Hall Acoustics as a Determinant for Effective Learning-Teaching Environment. . Journal of Education and Sociology,, 5(2) 26-30. Doi.10.7813/jes.2014/5-2/4,
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2014). ). Procurement of functional rural primary school buildings through the application of appropriate technology for building materials and construction. Academic . Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(1) 421-426. Doi:10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n1p437,
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. and Eze, C. U. (2013). ). Indoor air pollution in the school workshop as an environmental stressors affecting students’ effective workshop practice. . Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology,, 7(4) 25-29. Doi.10.9790/2402-0742529
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2013). Gender equality in teachers supply in secondary schools in Bayelsa State: Implication for development. , . Journal of Education and Sociology, 4(2) 119-122. Doi.10.7813/jes.2013/4-2/18,
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. and Ntibi, J. E. (2013). Vibration induced stresses from workshop equipment/tools in a school workshop as a factor affecting students’ task performance in workshop practice. . Journal of Education and Practice,, 4(24) 160-169 nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. and Nnabueze, U.C. (2013). Inappropriate Workshop Anthropometry as a stressors affecting students’ effective workshop practice. . The International Journal of Engineering and Science,, 2(10) 5-9. ANED-DDL. 09.1913/021020509.
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2013). ). Relationship between students’ visual acuity, perception of day light illumination in school workshops and accuracy levels in workshop practice. . International Journal of Education and Research, 1(12) 161-174. nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. and Alio, A. N. (2013). Students’ perception of Daylight illumination in the school workshop as a determinant for effective students’ task performance in workshop practice. ,2(4),. . Journal of Education and Learning, 2(4) 201-207 Http://
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2013). Students’ perception of the effect of climatic factors on their thermal comfort and task performance in workshop practice. . International Journal of Academic Research,, 5(6) 139-144. DOI.10.7813/2075- 4124.2013/5-6/A.19
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M., Onyia, A. U. & Imaah, N. O. (2013). Selecting Appropriate Onsite Systems for Effective Domestic Sewage Disposal in Yenagoa, Nigeria. . Environmental Research Journal, 7(3) 48-60 Doi: 10.3923/erj.2013.48.60
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2004). Gender distribution in primary and secondary schools enrollment: Implications for nation building. . The Nigeria Teacher Today, 12(1) 1-9. nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. and Obomanu, B. J. (2002). Advance organizers in technological instructions: Its effect on students’ academic achievement. ". Nigerian Journal of Empirical Studies in Psychology and Education, 1(6) 23-29. nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2001). ). Formulating design criteria for thermal comfort in a learning-teaching environment in the tropics. . The Nigerian Academic Forum , 1(1) 98-111. nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2001). Design and selection of appropriate sound reinforcement systems in Lecture Halls. . The Nigerian Academic Forum, , 1(3) 110-125. nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2000). Low turn-out of building technology teachers in NCE technical programme: an evaluation of the contributory factors. . Journal of Educational Focus, 3(1) 57- 66. nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2000). Selecting sound reinforcement systems for lecture halls. . Journals of Vocational and Adult Education. , 2(1) 91- 99. nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2000). Climatic characteristics in the tropics: Its effect on thermal comfort and students’ attentiveness in lecture halls. . Physics Education,, 17(1) 51-57. nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (1999). Designing seating arrangement in lecture halls/classrooms for effective teacher-students’ interaction.. The Nigeria Teacher Today, 7(1) 116-123 nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (1997). Selection of appropriate materials for lecture hall acoustics Vol. 14(2), . National Board for Technical Education, . Nigerian Journal of Technical Education , 14(2) 138-145 nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M. (1997). Sound reinforcement systems in lecture halls: The factors affecting sound distribution for intelligible sound output.. . Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria, 2(1) 9-13. nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M (1996). Assessing the relationship between seating arrangement in lecture halls and effective teacher-students’ interaction, . Journal of Research in Science and Technology Education , 1(2) 268-280 nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M andAmasuomo, H. B. (1996). NCCE minimum standards and level of preparedness of colleges of education in teaching of technical/vocational courses. Vol. 4, 16-23. . Nigerian Journal of Professional Studies in Education , 4(0) 16-23 nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M (1996). An assessment of factors contributing to low turnout of woodwork technology teachers in NCE technical programme. . Journal of Technical and Science Education,, 5(1) 6-79. nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M (1995). The relationship between students’ performance in technical drawing and building drawing in NCE technical programme . Nigerian Journal of Professional Studies in Education Vol. 3, 13-16. , 3(0) 13-16 nil
  • Amasuomo, J. O. M (1994). Level of academic performance of students taking related courses in NCE Technical programme. Journal of Technical and Science Education , 3(1) 157-162 nil