Amasuomo, J.O.M; Paul, R. S. & Isaiah, J. E. (2019). Skills in metalwork technology for social reforms and national security. . Niger Delta Journal of Education, , 11(1) 242-256. nil |
Amasuomo, J.O.M. & Ntibi, J.E. (2018). Workshop environment-induced human errors as perceived causes of variability in quality and quantity of task output in school workshop practice. . Niger Delta Journal of Education, , 10(1) 1-15. nil |
Amasuomo, J.O.M. (2017). How Equitable is Provision of Secondary Schools and Teachers Supply between Rural and Urban Local Government Areas in Bayelsa State, Nigeria? . Niger Delta Journal of Education, 9(0) 19-35. nil |
Amasuomo, J.O. & Ozurumba, C.N. (2017). . Preparing students for senior secondary school certificate examinations in Bayelsa State, Nigeria: How adequate are the available teachers in rural areas? . British Journal of Education., 5(1) 60-75. nil |
Amasuomo, J.O. M. & Ozurumba, C.N. (2017). A comparative study of provision of primary schools and teachers supply between rural and urban local government areas in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. . Balkan Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 3(1) 404-422, nil |
Amasuomo, J.O.M. & Ntibi, J.E. (2017). An analysis of acoustical effectiveness in the design of lecture hall spaces for teaching-learning: The case of Niger Delta University. . International Journal of Development and Sustainability,, 6(12) 2127-2144. nil |
Amasuomo, T. & Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2016). Improving Durability of Rural Buildings in Riverine Niger Delta Region: A Case Study on Need to Utilize Appropriate Technology. . International Journal of African Society, Cultures and Traditions, , 4(1) 17-43. nil |
Amasuomo, T. & Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2016). Thermal comfort problems in teaching-learning lecture theatres in the tropics: need to establish design criteria. . WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 12(0) 76-89 nil |
Amasuomo, T. & Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2016). Perceived thermal discomfort and stress behaviours affecting students’ learning in lecture theatres in the humid tropics. 6(2), 18. ". Buildings, , 6(2) 18/1-17 Doi:10.3390/buildings/6020018. |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2015). Academic performance of Students’ during transition period before choice of discipline in Nigeria Certificate in Education (Technical) programme. 10(3), . Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences,, 10(3) 192-204. nil |
Ozurumba, C.N. & Amasuomo, J.O. (2015). Academic staff development and output in state universities in south-south Nigeria. 7 (2). Makerere Journal of Higher Education. , 7(2) ,49- 59. D OI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/majohe.v7i2.23. |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. . (2015). Technical vocational education and training (TVET) for national development.. African Journal of Historical Sciences in Education, 14(1) 276-303 nil |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2014). Occupational choice and job opportunities in technology and vocational education: The need for informed decision-making by students. , . Journal of Education and Social Research, 4(1) 453-461 .Doi.10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n1p453, |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. & Onyia, A. U. (2014). Thermal discomfort in the school workshop as a stress factor affecting students’ tasks performance in workshop practice. . Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies., 3(4) 465-471. Doi:10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n4p465, |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2014). Gender distribution of teachers supply in primary schools in Bayelsa State: Implication for primary school child education. . Journal of Education and Social Research, 4(1) 263-266 Doi.10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n1p263, |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2014). Zion Brand Cherubim and Seraphim Churches in the Establishment of Primary Schools in Bayelsa State, Nigeria . African Research Review, 8(1) 53-64. Doi.10.4314/afrrev.8i1.5, |
Amasuomo, J.O.M. (2014). Academic performance of students admitted with different entry certificates to the Nigerian Certificate in Education Programme at the Federal College of Education (Technical), Omoku. . Journal of Technology and Science Education (JOTSE), , 4(1) 39-47 htp://dx.doi.org/10.3926/jotse.107, |
Amasuomo, J.O.M. (2014). Factors Influencing Choice of Occupational Area among Technical Education Students with Different Entry Qualifications. . Makerere Journal of Higher Education. , 6(1) 15-33. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/majohe.v6i1.2, |
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Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2014). Lecture Hall Acoustics as a Determinant for Effective Learning-Teaching Environment.
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Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2014). ). Procurement of functional rural primary school buildings through the application of appropriate technology for building materials and construction. Academic . Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 3(1) 421-426. Doi:10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n1p437, |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. and Eze, C. U. (2013). ). Indoor air pollution in the school workshop as an environmental stressors affecting students’ effective workshop practice. . Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology,, 7(4) 25-29. Doi.10.9790/2402-0742529 |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2013). Gender equality in teachers supply in secondary schools in Bayelsa State: Implication for development. , . Journal of Education and Sociology, 4(2) 119-122. Doi.10.7813/jes.2013/4-2/18, |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. and Ntibi, J. E. (2013). Vibration induced stresses from workshop equipment/tools in a school workshop as a factor affecting students’ task performance in workshop practice. . Journal of Education and Practice,, 4(24) 160-169 nil |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. and Nnabueze, U.C. (2013). Inappropriate Workshop Anthropometry as a stressors affecting students’ effective workshop practice. . The International Journal of Engineering and Science,, 2(10) 5-9. ANED-DDL. 09.1913/021020509. |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2013). ). Relationship between students’ visual acuity, perception of day light illumination in school workshops and accuracy levels in workshop practice.
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Amasuomo, J. O. M. and Alio, A. N. (2013). Students’ perception of Daylight illumination in the school workshop as a determinant for effective students’ task performance in workshop practice. ,2(4),. . Journal of Education and Learning, 2(4) 201-207 Http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/jel.v2n4p201 |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2013). Students’ perception of the effect of climatic factors on their thermal comfort and task performance in workshop practice. . International Journal of Academic Research,, 5(6) 139-144. DOI.10.7813/2075- 4124.2013/5-6/A.19 |
Amasuomo, J. O. M., Onyia, A. U. & Imaah, N. O. (2013). Selecting Appropriate Onsite Systems for Effective Domestic Sewage Disposal in Yenagoa, Nigeria. . Environmental Research Journal, 7(3) 48-60 Doi: 10.3923/erj.2013.48.60 |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2004). Gender distribution in primary and secondary schools enrollment: Implications for nation building. . The Nigeria Teacher Today, 12(1) 1-9. nil |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. and Obomanu, B. J. (2002). Advance organizers in technological instructions: Its effect on students’ academic achievement. ". Nigerian Journal of Empirical Studies in Psychology and Education, 1(6) 23-29. nil |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2001). ). Formulating design criteria for thermal comfort in a learning-teaching environment in the tropics. . The Nigerian Academic Forum , 1(1) 98-111. nil |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2001). Design and selection of appropriate sound reinforcement systems in Lecture Halls. . The Nigerian Academic Forum, , 1(3) 110-125. nil |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2000). Low turn-out of building technology teachers in NCE technical programme: an evaluation of the contributory factors. . Journal of Educational Focus, 3(1) 57- 66. nil |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2000). Selecting sound reinforcement systems for lecture halls. . Journals of Vocational and Adult Education. , 2(1) 91- 99. nil |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. (2000). Climatic characteristics in the tropics: Its effect on thermal comfort and students’ attentiveness in lecture halls. . Physics Education,, 17(1) 51-57. nil |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. (1999). Designing seating arrangement in lecture halls/classrooms for effective teacher-students’ interaction.. The Nigeria Teacher Today, 7(1) 116-123 nil |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. (1997). Selection of appropriate materials for lecture hall acoustics Vol. 14(2), . National Board for Technical Education, . Nigerian Journal of Technical Education , 14(2) 138-145 nil |
Amasuomo, J. O. M. (1997). Sound reinforcement systems in lecture halls: The factors affecting sound distribution for intelligible sound output.. . Journal of Technology and Education in Nigeria, 2(1) 9-13. nil |
Amasuomo, J. O. M (1996). Assessing the relationship between seating arrangement in lecture halls and effective teacher-students’ interaction, . Journal of Research in Science and Technology Education , 1(2) 268-280 nil |
Amasuomo, J. O. M andAmasuomo, H. B. (1996). NCCE minimum standards and level of preparedness of colleges of education in teaching of technical/vocational courses. Vol. 4, 16-23. . Nigerian Journal of Professional Studies in Education , 4(0) 16-23 nil |
Amasuomo, J. O. M (1996). An assessment of factors contributing to low turnout of woodwork technology teachers in NCE technical programme. . Journal of Technical and Science Education,, 5(1) 6-79. nil |
Amasuomo, J. O. M (1995). The relationship between students’ performance in technical drawing and building drawing in NCE technical programme . Nigerian Journal of Professional Studies in Education Vol. 3, 13-16. , 3(0) 13-16 nil |
Amasuomo, J. O. M (1994). Level of academic performance of students taking related courses in NCE Technical programme. Journal of Technical and Science Education , 3(1) 157-162 nil |