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Omu, Ruth Ebikaboere

Areas of Research Interest & Specialty

S/N Research Area
1 Sociology of Health and Illness
2 Mental Health
3 Gender Studies
4 Chronic Diseases

School Attended with Qualifications

  • Bayelsa State College of Arts and Science - OND (Law) - 2007
  • Niger Delta University - B.Sc (Sociology and Anthropology) - 2014
  • University of Ibadan - M.Sc (Medical Sociology) - 2017

Membership of Professional Bodies- Year

  • Nigeria Anthropological and Sociological Association - 2019
  • Assistant Lecturer, Niger Delta University - 2019 till date
  • Classroom Teacher, Alpha Comprehensive Training School, Sagbama Bayelsa State - 2008-2009
  • Office Assistant , Osun State Polytechnic, Iree - 2014-2015

Workshops and Conferences Attended

  • 25th Annual Conference of Nigerian Anthropological and Sociological Practitioners Association. - 2021
