Ojoye, Preiye., Tawari, Erebi Patricia., Boloya Vukumo Eric., Kasia Benedicta Erere and Prohp, The Prophet (2021). The effect of the decoction of Citrus aurantifolia(Lime) and Camellia sinensis (Lipton Tea) on the plasma glucose, total protein, albumin concentrations and weight of normal albino rats. International Journal of Health Sciences &Research, 11(7) 81 - 88 https://doi.org/10.52403/ijhsr.20210712 |
Kasia Benedicta E., Ojoye Preiye, Boloya Vukumo Eric, Prohp The Prophet (2021). Changes in plasma calcium and inorganic phosphate concentration in combined decoction of Citrus aurantifolia and Camelia sinensis treated rats.". World Journal of Innovative Research, 10(6) 28 - 32 |
V.E. Boloya., E.P. Tawari., B.E. Kasia., S. I. Boye., T.P. Prohp. (2021). Effect of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Dissotis Roundifolia on Plasma Glucose and Creatinine Concentration in Normal Albino Rats. International Journal of Research Publications (IJRP.ORG). , 78(1) 1 - 11 10.47119/ijrp100781620211982 |
Kasia, Benedicta E., Ebieri, James and Prohp, The Prophet (2021). Hypoglycaemic effects of decoction of Camelia sinensis (Lipton tea) and Citrus aurantifolia (Lime) on plasma glucose concentration and weight of normal albino rats. Scholarly International Journal of Biohemistry. , 4(3) 20 - 25 |
Boloya, Vikumo Eric., Kasia, Benedicta E., Ojoye, Preiye and Prohp, The Prophet. (2021). Effects of Citrus aurantifolia (Lime) and Camelia sinensis (Lipton tea) decoction on some plasma electrolytes and creatinine concentration in female albino rats. East African Scholars Journal of Medical Science. 4(4): 89 – 92., 4(4) 89 - 92 |
Kasia, Benedicta E., Nyondia, Victoria Y., Oseajeh, Promise O. and Prohp, The Prophet (2020). Evaluation of Lipid profile pattern among apparently healthy students of Niger Delta University. Available from https://www.atpjournal.org/text.asp? 2020/11/2/146/305684. Ann. Trop. Pathol., 11() 146 – 150 |
Benedicta Erere Kasia, Ebiye O and Prohp, The Prophet. (2020). Aqueous extract of unripe golden apple (Spondias dulcis) is effective in the reduction of plasma glucose and triacylglycerol levels in healthy albino rats. . East African Scholars Journal of Medical Sciences., 3(5) 196 - 202 10.36349/EASMS.2020.v03i05.052 |
Benedicta Erere Kasia, Robert Tamunoemi Ebeye and Prohp, The Prophet (2020). Plasma total protein and albumin assessment amongst apparently healthy young adults of Niger Delta University. . World Journal of Innovative Research, 8(4) 93 - 97 |
Benedicta E. Kasia, Ekere Enakeno Efemena and Prohp, The Prophet. (2020). Assessment of alanine amino transferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) level amongst apparently healthy students of Niger Delta University. . Niger Delta Medical Journal, 4(1) 19 - 26 |
Agbonson, O. P., Inegbedion, A. and Prohp, T. P. (2018). Effect of aqueous extract of African Star Apple (ChrysophyllumAlbidum) on the glucose and triacylglycerol concentration in albino rats. ". Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research., 6(8) 772 – 777 |
Prohp, T. P., Inegbedion, A. and Onoagbe, I. O. (2018). Hepatotoxicity of higher doses of stem bark extracts of Triplochiton scleroxylon in normal rats. . Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research. , 6(8) 791 - 797 |
Prohp, T. P., Inegbedion, A. and Onoagbe, I. O. (2018) (2018). Similarities in the pattern of glucose reduction by extracts of Triplochitonscleroxylon and insulin in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. . Asian academic research journal of multidisciplinary, 5(8) 22 - 37 |
A. E. Akpovona, O. I. Onoagbe and T. P. Prohp. (2016). Proximate and phytochemical analyses of mature stem bark of Terminaliamacroptera GUILL. & PERR. . J. Chem. Soc. Nigeria. , 41(1) 111 – 116 |
Prohp, T. P., Onoagbe, I. O. and Arhoghro, M. E. (2014). Effect of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum on serum cholesterol, triglyceride and phospholipid levels of treated normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.. American Journal of Research Communications., 2(7) 79 - 90 |
Prohp, T. P. and Onoagbe I. O. (2014). Plasma electrolyte concentrations in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats treated with extracts of Triplochitonscleroxylon K. Schum. . American Journal of Research Communications. , 2(5) 154 - 174 |
Arhoghro, E. M., Berezi, E. P. and Prohp, T. P. (2014). Phytochemical Constituents and Effect of Combined Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Costus afer and Cleome Rutidosperma on lipid Profile and some Haematological Parameters in Wistar Rats. . International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. , 3(5) 673 – 679. |
Arhoghro, E. M., Berezi, E. P., Prohp, T. P. and Angalabiri-Owei, B. (2014). Effect of combined ethanolic leaf extract of costusaferand cleome Rutidospermaon some biochemical parameters and lipid peroxidation in Wistar rats. . International Journal of Current Research in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences., 1(6) 43 – 49 |
E. M. Arhoghro., C. Ikeh and T. P. Prohp. (2014). Cymbopogoncitratus aqueous extract alleviates cisplatin-induced hepatic oxidative stress and toxicity in albino rats... International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. , 3(4) 586 – 604 |
Prohp, T. P., Onoagbe, I. O. and Arhoghro, M. E. (2014). Effect of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Schum on serum cholesterol, triglyceride and phospholipid levels of treated normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.. American Journal of Research Communications., 2(7) 79 - 90 |
Prohp, T. P. and Onoagbe I. O. (2013). (2013). Effects of extracts of Triplochitonscleroxylon(K. Schum.) on some plasma non-enzyme anti-oxidant concentrations in diabetic rats. . Journal of Global Biosciences. , 2(1) 1 – 9. |
Prohp, T. P. and Onoagbe I. O. . (2013). Anti-diabetic and anti-oxidant activities of extracts of Triplochitonscleroxylonin streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. International Journal of Biology, . Pharmacy and Allied Sciences. , 2(1) 43 – 58. |
Prohp, T. P. and Onoagbe I. O. (2012). Effects of extracts of Triplochitonscleroxylon(K. Schum) on plasma glucose and lipid peroxidation in normal and streptozotocin—induced diabetic rats.. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Advances. , 2(12) 380-388 |
Prohp, T. P. and Onoagbe I. O. (2012). Plasma lipid profile in non-diabetic rats treated with extracts of Triplochitonscleroxylon K. Schum. . Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Advances., 2(12) 389-399 |
Prohp, T. P. andOnoagbeI. O. (2012). Anti-oxidant Activities of Aqueous and Ethanol extracts of Triplochitonscleroxylonin non-diabetic albino rats. . International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences. , 1(11) 1539 - 1555. |
Prohp, T. P. and Onoagbe, I. O. (2012). Determination of phytochemical composition of the stem bark of TriplochitonscleroxylonK. Schum. (sterculiaceae). . International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. , 3(2) 68 -75. |
Prohp, T.P., Onoagbe, I. O. and Joel, P. (2012). ). Plasma Glucose Concentration and Lipid Profile in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats treated with extracts of TriplochitonscleroxylonK. Schum. . International Journal of Analytical, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Science. , 1(1) 22-29. |
Prohp, T.P. and Onoagbe, I. O. (2012). Acute toxicity and dose response studies of aqueous and ethanol extracts of TriplochitonscleroxylonK. Schum (Sterculiaceae).. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. , 3(1) 400 – 409 |
Prohp, T.P. and Onoagbe, I. O. (2012). Evaluation of the body weight and some plasma components in alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits treated with aqueous extract of Triplochitonscleroxylon. . International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. , 3(1) 261 – 268. |
Prohp, T.P. and Onoagbe, I. O. (2012). ). Effects of aqueous extract of Triplochitonscleroxylon on some haematological parameters and blood glucose concentrations in non-diabetic rabbits. . African Journal of Biotechnology. , 11(1) 198 – 202. 10.5897/AJB11.2819. |
Prohp, T. P and Onoagbe I. O. (2011). Anti-diabetic studies of aqueous extract of Triplochitonscleroxylon on platelets and associated parameters in alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits. . African Journal of Plant Science. , 5(12) 697 – 701. |
Prohp, T. P.,Onoagbe, I. O. and Uwumarongie, O. H. (2011). Importance of knowledge of chemical composition of stem bark of Triplochitonscleroxylon K. Schum. in traditional treatment of diabetes mellitus in Nigeria. . African Journal of Plant Science. , 5(10) 552 - 556. |
Augusta O. Inegbedion, George E. Eriyamremu, Prohp, The prophet, Ute Inegbenebor, Israel O. Okoro, I.O. and Roland O.Osagie. (2011). Biochemical observations in rats fed with cycads, Nigerian-like, and western-like folic acid supplemented Diet. . African Journal of Biotechnology., 10(41) 8101-8106 |
Ekpo, E. K., Inegbenebor, U., Prohp, T. P. and Igboalisi, N (2010). Precaution in the use of extracts of Pride of Barbados. . Nigerian Annals of Natural Sciences. , 10(1) 48 – 52. |
Prohp, T. P., and Onoagbe, I. O. (2009). Anti – diabetic properties and Toxicologial studies of Triplochitonscleroxylon on liver enzymes in normal and streptozotocin – induced diabetic rabbits. . Pakistan Journal Nutrition. , 8(7) 1018 – 1024 10.3923/pjn.2009.1018.1024 |
Prohp, T. P., and Onoagbe, I. O. (2009). Anti–diabetic properties and Toxicological studies of Triplochitonscleroxylon on Heart enzymes in normal and streptozotocin–induced diabetic rabbits. . Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. , 8(7) 1025 – 1029. 10:3923/pjn.2009.1025.1029. |
Prohp, T. P., Ekpo, K. E., Osagie, E. V., Osagie, A. and Obi, H. (2009). Polyphenol contents and Polyphenol oxidase activities of some Nigerian Kolanuts. . Pakistan Journal of Nutrition., 8(7) 1030 – 1031 |
Prohp, T. P., Anyanwu, L. C.,Uzoaru, S. C., Onyebuagu, P. C., Obeto, N. and Onoagbe, I. O. (2008). Effects of aqueous extract of Triplochitonscleroxylon on White blood cell differentials in alloxan – induced diabetic rabbits. . Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. , 7(2) 258 - 261 10.3923/pjn.2008.258.261. |
Osagie, A., Eriyamremu, G. and Prohp, T. P. (2008). Effect of a Nigerian type diet on indices of cell proliferation. . Pakistan Journal of Nutrition., 7(2) 262 - 265. 10.3923/pjn.2008.262.265. |
Prohp, T. P.,Madusha, A. O., Onoagbe, I. O., Inegbenebor, U and Okoli, R. I. (2006). Effects of Aqueous Leaf Extract of Pride of Barbados (Caesalpinapulcherrima) on the Activities of Some Liver Function Enzymes and Blood glucose Concentration in Normal Rabbits. . Pakistan Journal of Nutrition., 5(5) 410 – 413 |
Prohp, T. P., Onoagbe, I. O., Onyebuagu, P. C., Omeni, A. A., Okoli, R. I. and Obeto, N. P. (2006). Effects of Aqueous Extract of Triplochitonscleroxylon on Red Blood Cells and Associated Parameters in Alloxan – induced diabetic rabbits. . Pakistan Journal of Nutrition., 5(5) 425 – 428. |
Prohp, T. P., Osifo, E. S., Madusha, A. O., Erebor, J. O., Okpala, H. O. and Oyinbo, C. A. (2006). Effects of aqueous extract extra – cotyledonous deposit of Pride of Barbados (Caesalpinapulcherrima) on some blood electrolytes and urea levels in rabbits. . Pakistan Journal of Nutrition., 5(3) 239 – 241. |
Inegbenebor, U., Prohp, T. P. and Omage, K. (2006). Diagnostic validity of urinalysis in Nigerian diabetics. . Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences.
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Prohp, T. P.,Ihimire, I. G., Madusha, A. O., Erebor, J. O., Aruna, M. B.,Uzoaru, S.C., and Okpala, H. O. (2005). Some anti–nutritional and mineral contents of extra–cotyledonous deposits of Pride of Barbados (Caesalpinapulcherrima). . Journal of Medical Laboratory Sciences. , 14(1) 19 - 22. |
Enweani, I. B. Prohp, T. P., Uzoaru, S. C., Airemiokhale, L. G. and Asia, A. (2005). Ascorbic acid and microbiological analyses of the extra–cotyledonous deposits of Pride of Barbados (Caesalpinapulcherrima) at various temperature conditions. . Nigeria Journal of Biotechnology. , 16(1) 100 – 105. |
Prohp, T. P. and Maduemezia, C. (2004). Carbohydrate, ash and moisture contents of extra – cotyledonous deposits of Pride of Barbados (Caesalpinapulcherrima). Nigerian Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 1(2): 197 – 204.. Nigerian Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. , 1(2) 197 – 204. |
Prohp, T. P., Mendie, E. A., Madusha, A. O., Uzoaru, S. C., Aigbiremoleren, A. and Onyebuagu, P. C. (2004). Cyanide contents of Pride of Barbados (Caesalpinapulcherrima) grown in Nigeria. . Journal of Medical Laboratory Science. , 13(2) 29 – 32. 10.4314/jmls.v13i2.35343. |
Prohp, T. P., M. Azeke, H. Alaiya, D. Adeji and W. Osebor (2000). Effect of some local chewing sticks on salivary amylase activities. . Journal of Medical Laboratory Science., 9() 99 – 102 |
Prohp, T. P., Alaiya, H., Azeke, M., Aigbe, A and Uriewhu, J. (1999). The pattern of cyanide distribution in intact seeds, leaves, and roots of lima beans (Phaseoluslunatus) at various levels of growth. . Nigeria Annals of Natural Science. , 4() 32 – 38. |