User profile picture

Benjamin, Ifeanchukwu Tabowei

Areas of Research Interest & Specialty

S/N Research Area
1 Medicine
2 Surgery
3 Laparotomy
4 Clinical trials

School Attended with Qualifications

  • University of Benin - MBBS - 1987
  • Saint Andrews CMS School. Umuoru - FSLC - 1973
  • Institute of Continuing Education. Benin-city - WASSCE - 1979
  • Nigerian National Postgraduate Graduate Medical College - FMCS - 1999

Membership of Professional Bodies- Year

  • Nigeria Medical Association - 1988

Workshops and Conferences Attended


  • Tabowei B. I., Olatoregun F.B, and Koroye, O.F (2022). Acute Appendicitis as the commonest abdominal Surgical Emergency in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital situated in a semi-urban environment. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 21(12) 58-61 10.9790/0853-2112045861
  • Tabowei B. I., Mukoro G. D., Olatoregun F. and Edomwonyi N. (2022). Anuria due to an Eyeless Urethral Catheter. A case report . Journal of Medical and Dental Science Research, 9(11) 12-14
  • Tabowei B. I., Koroye O. and Ukoima H. (2021). Perforated peptic ulcer disease. The Bayelsa State Expierience. Niger Delta Medical Journal, 5(2) 25-33
  • Tabowei B. I., Osinowo O. and Amaefula E. T. (2019). Iatrogenic intestinal obstruction. How common? Presentation of three cases and review of literature. Niger Delta Medical Journal, 3(1) 41-48
  • Tabowei B. I. et al. (2019). Intensive care set-up in a low resource country: an overview of Basic essetials. Niger Delta Journal of Medical Surgeries, 2(1) 15-21
  • Tabowei B. I. and Amaefula E. T. (2017). Ingrown Toe Nail as seen in Bayelsa State.. International Journal of advances in medicine, 4(3) 614-619
  • Tabowei B. I. and Amaefula E. T. (2017). Injection Abscesses: Pattern and Presentation in a semi-urban center in Bayelsa STate Nigeria.. Advances in Medical and Dental Research, 3(1) 1-7
  • Tabowei B. I., Wichendu P. and Kombo B.B. (2017). An audit of peri-operative blood transfusion at the University of Port-Hacourt Teaching Hospital. Pourt-hacourt. Nigeria. Annals of Applied Sciences, 3(2) 78-82
  • benjamin B. I. et al. (2017). comparative study of Knowledge on Team Building between Healthcare workers in two Federal Territory Health Facilities in Different Geo-political Zones of Nigeria. Journal of Health Medicine and Nursing, 43() 82-92
  • Tabowei B. I. and Kombo B.B. (2017). Strangulated Inguinal Hernia at the Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital, OKolobiri. Bayelsa State. Nigeria- A prospective study. Annals of Applied Science, 3(1) 134-140
  • Tabowei B. I. and Olatoregun F. B (2017). Case report- Dracunculus Medinensis (Guinea Worm) surfacing from the Neck. Annals of Applied Science, 3(1) 103-105
  • Tabowei B. I. and Amaefula E. T. (2017). Human Bite Injuries. A five years retrospective review of cases from a semi-urban area of Bayelsa State. Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 16(0) 125-129
  • Tabowei B. I., Kasia B. E. and Idogun. E.S. (2017). Estimation of Reference range value fro Liver function Test analysis in Apparently Health Adults of Southern Nigeria.. Annals of Biomedical Sciences, 16(2) 197-206
  • Tabowei B. I. and Amaefula E. T. (2017). Hand injuries in a sub-urban hospital Bayelsa state. Nigeria.. British journal of Medicine and Research, 20(8) 1-8
  • Tabowei B. I. and Amaefula E. T. (2017). Knowledge, Attitude, Awearness and Practices regarding needle stick injury amongst health care workers in a semi-urban Hospital in Bayelsa State. Nigeria.. International Journal of Medical Research, 3(2) 329-333
  • Tabowei B. I. and Amaefula E. T. (2017). Pattern of Presentation and treatment outcomes of intra-abdominal abscesses in a sub-urban hospital in Bayelsa State. Nigeria.. International Journal Of Tropical Diseases and Health, 22(3) 1-8
  • Tabowei B. I. and Amaefula E. T. (2016). The intra-operative ankle and foot support (IJIRAS). International Journal of Innovativve Research and Advances Studies, 3(4) 16-17
  • Tabowei B. I. and Amaefula E. T. (2016). Matchete cut injurries as seen in a sub-urban Hospital in Bayelsa STate, Nigeria.. Annals of applied Sciences, 2(1) 71-75
  • Tabowei B. I. and Kombo B.B. (2015). Genital Self- Mutilation- A case Report. Niger Delta Medical Journal., 1(2) 42-46
  • Tabowei B. I. and Kombo B.B. (2015). Buried Penis- Case report. niger Delta Medical Journal, 1(2)
  • Tabowei B. I., Fente B.D. and Kombo B.B. (2014). Important Clinical Lesion in a patient Vitello-intestinal Ductin a 3 years old Male. Literature Review and Case Report.. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 0(0)
  • Tabowei B. I., Mukoro G. D. and Olatoregun F. (2013). Neonatal Fournier's Gangrene: Sequelly of Traditional Birth Practices; Case report and Short review. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 5()
  • Tabowei B. I., Mukoro G. D. and Ogbuku U. (2013). Pattern of risk behavior for HIV infections among undergraduates in A University.. The internet Journal of health, 14(1) 14-48
  • Tabowei B. I., Mukoro G. D. and Kombo B.B. (2013). Hemorrhaging and Large Dematofibrosarcoma protuberans with Tumor Recurrence of the Left Shoulder in an adult male- A rare complication. Internet Journal of Surgery, 30(1)
  • Tabowei B. I., Mukoro G. D. and Enemi N.O. (2013). trend of Male female Birth ratio in a south-south Nigerian Teaching hospital.. Internet Journal of Health, 14(1)
  • Tabowei B. I. and Kombo B.B. (2013). Wandering spleen- Case report. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 12(6) 88-91
  • Tabowei B. I. and Kombo B.B. (2013). Penile Gangrene due to Priapism- Case report. Journal of Medical and Dental Science, 12(6) 84-87
  • Tabowei B. I. and Kombo B.B. (2013). Review of Fourniers Gangrene. IORS Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 12(6) 68-73
  • Tabowei B. I., Mukoro G. D. and Kombo B.B. (2013). Circumcision misharp: Sequelae from the Hands of Untrained Personnel. African Journal of Medicine and Surgery, 1(4) 24-27
  • Tabowei B. I., Mukoro G. D. and Udoye E.P (2013). Sacrocaecygeal Teratoma in Adult Female: A case Report and Review of the Literature. Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 12(5) 31-34
  • Tabowei B. I., Mukoro G. D. and Kombo B.B. (2012). The handling of Sharp objects in local settings. The internet Journal of Health, 13(1) 10.5580/2c85
  • Tabowei B. I., Mukoro G. D. and Kombo B.B. (2012). The use of Towel clip as skin retractors in surgery.. The internet Journal of Surgery, 28(5) 10.5580/2c9f
  • Tabowei B. I., Mukoro G. D. and Kombo B.B. (2012). Adverse reaction to Diazepam- A case Report. The internet Journal of Pharmacology, 10(1) 10.5580/2c92
  • Tabowei B. I. (1999). Hand infection as seen in the University of Benin Teaching Hospital. Benin city. Being a Dissertation for the FMCS Examination of the National Post-Graduate Medical College of Surgeons. FMCS, ()
  • Eluoji S. and Tabowei B. (1993). Fetal Hematemesis due to imparted foreign body in the esophagus". Journal of Pak. Med. Association, 43(2) 39-40