User profile picture

Etebu, Ebimieowei

Areas of Research Interest & Specialty

S/N Research Area
1 Molecular Microbiology
2 Agricultural Microbiology
3 Plant-Microbe-Soil Interaction Systems
4 Environmental Microbiology
5 Food Processing/Postharvest pathology

School Attended with Qualifications

  • The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom - PhD - 2008
  • Rivers State University, Port Harcourt - MSc - 1998
  • Rivers State University, Port Harcourt - BSc - 1989
  • University of Port Harcourt/National Teachers' Institute - Postgraduate Diploma in Education - 2019

Membership of Professional Bodies- Year

  • Society of Microbiology, UK - 2005
  • BioNet International, UK - 2002
  • Nigerian society of plant protection, Nigeria - 2002

Workshops and Conferences Attended

  • Etebu, E. (2020). Encouraging Innovation and Improvisation in a Science and Technical Institution. Paper delivered as part of Orientation of Academic Staff of Bayelsa State Owned Vocational and Technical Colleges, organized by the Bayelsa State Science and Technology Education Board, held on 8th December, 2020 at Education House, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State - 2020
  • Etebu, E. (2019). Application of modern cell biology and genetics in Crime Investigation. A lecture delivered on 25th July, 2019 as part of Continuing Professional Development workshop organized by the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientist of Nigeria, Federal Medical Centre, Yenagoa Chapter, Bayelsa State, Nigeria held between 22-28th July, 2019 - 2019
  • Etebu, E. (2019). DNA Database Development and Management in Forensics. A lecture delivered on 25th July, 2019 as part of Continuing Professional Development workshop organized by the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientist of Nigeria, Federal Medical Centre, Yenagoa Chapter, Bayelsa State, Nigeria held between 22-28th July, 2019. - 2019
  • Etebu, E. (2016). The principles, challenges and prospects of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in Molecular biology. Paper presented at Humboldt Kolleg International Conference held between Oct 11-15, 2016 at Biodun Shobanjo Multi-Media Centre of Excellence, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos - 2016
  • Abule, STR, Gunn, HH and Etebu, E (2016). Molecular identification of bacteria from broiler gut as affected by feed additives. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society of Animal Production (NSAP) held at the University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Abeokuta from 20th – 24th March, 2016. Pages 939-941 - 2016
  • Etebu, E. (2014) Genetic code: prospects and challenges. A paper presented at a Seminar series on Genetic code organised by the Niger Delta University on 26th February, 2014 at the Entrepreneurship Conference Hall, Niger Delta University - 2014
  • Etebu, E. (2013) Understanding microbes induced cancer. A lecture delivered in the Continuing Professional Development workshop organized by the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientist of Nigeria, Federal Medical Centre, Yenagoa Chapter, Bayelsa State, Nigeria held between 9-11th December, 2013 - 2013
  • Etebu, E. (2013) A voyage of inquisitiveness into the world of molecular biology. A keynote lecture delivered in the Continuing Professional Development workshop organized by the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientist of Nigeria, Federal Medical Centre, Yenagoa Chapter, Bayelsa State, Nigeria on 25th September, 2013. - 2013
  • Etebu, E. (2013). The current state of molecular diagnostic tools within our shores and its impact on our capacities for research, accurate/prompt laboratory diagnosis and parentage/forensic DNA testing in Nigeria. A Public keynote lecture delivered at the opening ceremony of the 6th International workshop on Molecular Applications organized by Lahor Research Laboratories and Medical Centre, Benin City, Nigeria on 5th August, 2013 - 2013
  • Etebu, E. (2013) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and environmental health research. Paper presented at an International conference on the Role of Research in Improved Environmental Health Practice, held between 13-15 June 2013 at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria - 2013
  • Etebu, E. (2013) Public lecture on Harmony and Team Work in the Health System: Critical in Effective Health Care Delivery System in Nigeria. Paper Presented on 9th April, 2013 at Medical and Health Workers Union of Nigeria, Bayelsa Council Week in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria - 2013
  • Etebu, E. (2012) Public lecture on “Quality of life: You and your toilet”. Paper Presented on 16th August, 2012 at The Environmental Health Week of the Environmental Health Officers Association Of Nigeria (EHOAN) in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria - 2012
  • Etebu, E and Osborn AM (2010) Molecular prediction of pea footrot disease. Presented during Science Association of Nigeria conference, 2010 held at Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria - 2010
  • Etebu, E. (2010) Public lecture on Sustainable Environmental Health: Shared Responsibilities. Paper Presented on 12th August, 2010 at The Environmental dHealth Week of the Environmental Health Officers Association Of Nigeria (EHOAN) in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria - 2010
  • Etebu, E and Osborn AM (2008) Detection and quantification of pea footrot disease pathogen (Nectria haematococca) in agricultural soils. Presented during the Nigerian Society of Plant protection conference, 2008 held Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria - 2008
  • Etebu, E and Osborn AM (2006) Prediction of Fusarium foot rot disease of peas in agricultural soils: A molecular approach. Poster presented at the 159th conference of the Society of General Microbiology, UK held 11-14th September, 2006 at University of York, United Kingdom - 2006
  • Etebu, E and Osborn AM (2006) Development and application of a molecular assay for the detection and quantification of pathogenicity determinants of Nectria haematococca in agricultural soils. Talk Presented at 12th Meeting of the UK Molecular Microbial Ecology Group (MMEG10) held 24-25th July, 2006 at University of Newcastle, United Kingdom - 2006
  • Etebu, E. (2002) Nipa Palm (Nypa Fruticans) Development Project (Economic Control: Sustainable Use). A Technical paper presented to Totalfinaelf - 2002
  • Etebu, E., Pasberg-gauhl and Gauhl, F. (2001) ‘Effect of Lights and Sealing Patterns on Sporulation and Linear Growth of Mycosphaerella fijiensis on a Potato Dextrose Agar Related Medium’ Presented in King Baudouin Sympossium on 10th April, 2001, held at International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Onne Station, Rivers State, Nigeria. - 2001
  • Etebu, E. (2021). Bio-molecular Revolution and the Invisible Imperatives: Lessons for Democratic Governance and National Cohesion. Niger Delta University 40th Inaugural Lecture delivered on 18th August, 2021. Niger Delta University Publishers Ltd., Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Pp123 - 2021


  • Ezenatein, GE, Etebu, E and Assayomo E (2021). Bacteriological and Nutritional Quality of Irvingia gabonensis Fruit Juice. European Journal of Nutrition and Food Safety, 13(8) 10-22 10.9734/EJNFS/2021/v13i830439
  • Etebu, E and Amatari, VO (2020). Impact of Teachers’ Educational Qualification on Senior Secondary Students’ Academic Achievement in Biology in Bayelsa State. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 25(4) 13-28
  • Etebu, E, Torunana, JMA and Aniso, J (2018). Effects of postharvest Irvingia fruit wastes on soil microbial diversity and physic-chemical properties. Microbiology Research International, 6(3) 24-39
  • Etebu, E, Torunana, JMA and Parker, M (2018). Metagenomic analysis of bacterial community associated with postharvest Irvingia species fruit wastes. Microbiology Research International, 6(2) 7-15
  • Etebu, E and Oku, I (2017). Quantification and inter-relationship between microbial load, disease, proximate composition and phytochemical content of postharvest Irvingia fruit waste . International Journal of Agriculture and Earth Science, 3(1) 19-34
  • Etebu, E and Nwauzoma, AB (2017). A mini review on emerging perspectives of seed pathology. Microbiology Research International, 5(1) 1-7
  • Etebu E and Arikekpar A (2016). Antibiotics: classification and mechanisms of action with emphasis on molecular perspectives. International Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Research, 4(1) 90-101
  • Etebu E and Ukpong M (2016). Bacterial resistance to antibiotics: update on molecular perspectives. Microbiology Research International, 4(4) 40-49
  • Ofongo-Abule RTS, Etebu E and Ohimain EI (2016). Performance and molecular identification of bacteria isolated from the gut of broiler birds after antibiotic administration and enzyme supplementation. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 6(3) 924-929
  • Gumus, RH and Etebu, E (2016). Drying characteristics and kinetics of Irvingia (African bush mango) fruit pulp: the effect of deterioration. . International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies (ITJEMAST), 7(3) 143-156
  • Tungbulu, G., Etebu, E. and Ezenwaka, J (2016). Effect of postharvest period on phytochemical content and brownish-black rot disease of postharvest Irvingia species fruit wastes. . International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research, 5(1) 105-112
  • Etebu, E., Tungbulu, G and Ezenwaka, J (2016). Effect of postharvest period on disease progression, weight and vitamin content of Irvingia species fruit wastes. . International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research, 5(1) 98-104
  • Etebu, E and Tungbulu, G (2015). Bacterial quality of postharvest Irvingia gabonensis (Aubry-Lecomte ex O’Rorke) fruit wastes. International Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Research, 3(1) 96-103
  • Etebu E (2013). Potential panacea to the complexities of Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Advances in life science and Technology, 13(1) 53-59
  • Etebu E and Pondei K (2013). The transformational role of Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in environmental health research. Journal of Natural Science Research, 3(12) 23-29
  • Etebu, E and Enaregha, E (2013). Postharvest quality of commercial tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruits brought into Yenagoa metropolis from Northern Nigeria. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 3(11) 49-54
  • Etebu, E. (2013) (2013). Differences in fruit size, postharvest pathology and phytochemicals between Irvingia gabonensis and Irvingia wombolu. Sustainable Agriculture Research, 2(1) 52-61
  • Etebu, E and Osborn AM (2012). A review of indicators of healthy agricultural soils with pea footrot disease suppression potentials. Sustainable Agriculture Research, 2(1) 235-250
  • Etebu, E. and Osborn AM (2011). Molecular prediction of pea footrot disease in agricultural soils. Asian Journal of Agricultural Science, 3(6) 417-426
  • Etebu, E and Osborn AM (2011). Pea footrot disease depends on the combination of Pathogenicity genes in Nectria haematococca. Asian Journal of Agricultural Science, 3(3) 156-161
  • Etebu, E. and Osborn AM (2011). A potential model for pea footrot disease prediction. Asian Journal of Agricultural Science, 3(3) 177-186
  • Etebu E. and Osborn AM (2011). In Search of target gene(s) to quantify pea pathogenic Nectria haematococca in Agricultural Soils. Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences, 3(3) 195-208
  • Etebu, E and Young-Harry, W (2011). Control of black sigatoka disease: Challenges and Prospects. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(3) 508-514
  • Etebu, E and Osborn AM (2010). Molecular quantification of the pea footrot disease pathogen (Nectria haematococca) in agricultural soils. . Phytoparasitica, 38(1) 447-454
  • Etebu, E and Osborn, AM (2009). Molecular assays reveal the presence and diversity of genes encoding pea footrot pathogenicity determinants in Nectria haematococca and in agricultural soils. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 106(5) 1629-1639
  • Etebu, E, Pasberg-gauhl, C., Gauhl, F and Daniel-Kalio, LA (2005). Effect of light and sealing patterns on sporulation and growth of Mycosphaerella fijiensis. InfoMusa, 14(1) 24-25
  • Etebu, E, Tasie, AA and Daniel-Kalio, LA (2003). Post-harvest fungal quality of selected chewing sticks. Oral diseases, 9(2) 95-98